It is about ten degrees outside. I have absolutely no desire to go out there. My ideas of perfect activities on such a cold day includes reading books on the couch, making crafty things, and drinking hot chocolate. The boys however think otherwise. David keeps begging to go out to play, while Matthew brings his boots over to me every few minutes indicating that he wants me to put them on him. Finally I reluctantly bundle them and myself all up. The snow pants, the coats, the hats, the gloves, the boots. It takes at least ten minutes to get everyone ready for what I know will probably only be about five minutes of outdoor fun. It feels like such a chore. But when we finally make it outside it is worth it. It is worth it to see the sparkle in their eyes, the rosy glow on their cheeks, and the smile on their faces. Even though it does only last five minutes before they are cold and ready to go back inside.
Matthew |
David |